Founded in 2018, at broadbandcheck.co.uk we are dedicated to keeping the most accurate database of broadband availability across the UK.
We constantly update our database to ensure the very best accuracy so people can find the fastest and best broadband in their area.
What’s BroadbandCheck.co.uk for?
We provide people with up to date information on what broadband networks and suppliers are available in every postcode in the UK.
We want to keep people informed on the very latest broadband technologies that are available in their area so they can ensure they are never left behind as services are improved and rolled out.
Keeping our database up to date
We build our database from datasets we obtain from broadband networks and suppliers, regulatory bodies and other sources.
These datasets are refreshed on a regular basis, some daily, others monthly, depending on the frequency of update from each source.
Getting in touch
If you have any questions or require any further information then please contact us.